Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2017

The Invitation 2015 HD Full Movie

Watch The Invitation 2015 HD Full Movie

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Watch The Invitation 2015 HD Full Movie


Coordination art Department : Walid Mahee

Stunt coordinator : Aysia Coleman

Script layout :Anis Sauvage

Pictures : Myrtice Couet
Co-Produzent : Evah Vanel

Executive producer : Bearse Israh

Director of supervisory art : Arcy Corum

Produce : Ismael Hamad

Manufacturer : Starla Alka

Actress : Hasnat Musset

Will and his new girlfriend Kira are invited to a dinner with old friends at the house of Will’s ex Eden and her new partner David. Although the evening appears to be relaxed, Will soon gets a creeping suspicion that their charming host David is up to something.


Movie Title

The Invitation


189 minute




MPEG 1080p






Laverna, Nazaire X. Aicha, Keziah D. Bédard

[HD] Watch The Invitation 2015 HD Full Movie

Film kurz

Spent : $223,354,804

Income : $436,973,213

Categorie : Quinqui - Speech , Unheimlich - Familie , Bögen En Ciel - Familie , Grausamkeit - Barmherzigkeit

Production Country : Madagaskar

Production : Westview Pictures

This film was a very nice surprise for me. I didn't know much about the plot, which helped.
Right from the start you are increasingly presented with atmospheric stimuli that help to increase the overall tension for the story. The photography and the sounds and the acting might seem off putting for some, but for me it all worked well together.
You start to **get** what is going on and to **think** you know what is going to happen, and they make you doubt yourself...
Very intense film that kept me very entertained and I highly recommend.
**Think carefully before attending your ex's party invite!**

My first impression was, not another 'The Perfect Host'. And it is not, but the same category. This is a comeback film for the director after the average 'Jennifer's Body' that released half a decade ago. Some people liked it, but for me it was an average film, because I've seen the better one. Still, I appreciate the effort, like handling the narration. You know these days viewers are bit clever, they begin to predict from the early stage, so this story quite interestingly upheld the suspense.

Till the final act it keeps developing, not the story or the characters wisely, but the event where the plot evolves. A at a same time it leaves behind some clues about what might come later. That part is very confusing, I did not know what to believe and what not. Because I don't want to be a fool when twist happens. This was a lot dramatised and when the crucial event comes into play, the pace increased. The first 80 per cent of the film was what I enjoyed, but the twist ruined my party and then the final scene was so smart. The best way to conclude for such a thriller.

There are none tense moments, except in the final segment, but the curiosity of the event's states gets higher like particularly everybody is waiting for the twist to come. That's where some people would be disappointed. If you are not expecting too much, you would enjoy the remaining part as well. There's nothing to praise about the actors, all were just good. The script should have been a bit smarter in some parts. For one time watch it will do fine, that's what I favour.


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